I read Anne of GREEN GABLES

I read Anne of GREEN GABLES.
Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla wanted to adopt an orphan boy to help their farm at Green Gables. But, the children's house sent a girl to them. Her name is Anne Shirley who has long red hair. Matthew puzzled at first, but she talked and talked and talked so that he could feel close to her. Marilla disagreed to adopt the girl, but she finally decided to look after her. Anne was the troublemaker. She had many troubles such as being rude to Mrs.Lynde, having conflicts with her teacher and Gilbert, changing her red hair color into green and etc. But, she solved these problems with people's help such as Matthew and Marilla. 
One day, Anne decided to take the examination for Queen's College in two year's time when she listened to Marilla's talking. She studied so hard that she could pass it first with Gilbert out of all the students on the island. Marilla was very pleased, but she felt sad because Anne go away now. She studied hard at the college to get the Avery prize. So she could get it. However,she dismissed it to help Marilla because Matthew was dead. Finally, they could live in Green Gables with a lot of people's helps.

I read this story at first, I did not like Marilla because it seems that she does not welcome Anne. However, she comforted and advised her when she had some troubles. I knew Marilla and Anne' s good relationship through this story. I think that this story tells us about people's consideration.




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