
6月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

I read Anne of GREEN GABLES

I read Anne of GREEN GABLES . Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla wanted to adopt an orphan boy to help their farm at Green Gables. But, the children's house sent a girl to them. Her name is Anne Shirley who has long red hair. Matthew puzzled at first, but she talked and talked and talked so that he could feel close to her. Marilla disagreed to adopt the girl, but she finally decided to look after her. Anne was the troublemaker. She had many troubles such as being rude to Mrs.Lynde, having conflicts with her teacher and Gilbert, changing her red hair color into green and etc. But, she solved these problems with people's help such as Matthew and Marilla.  One day, Anne decided to take the examination for Queen's College in two year's time when she listened to Marilla's talking. She studied so hard that she could pass it first with Gilbert out of all the students on the island. Marilla was very pleased, but she felt sad because Anne go away now. She studied hard a

I read Your Five Senses.

I read Your Five Senses . People have five senses which are sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Sense of sight lets you see people and objects and help to keep you safe. It is because you can see things which are reflected off by light. Sense of hearing help you to hear lots of different sounds such as loud sounds, soft sounds, high sounds and low sounds. You can smell things through your nose. There are various things which smell good or bad. We can know whether it is safe or not. Sense of taste tells you how taste you feel such as sweet, sour, salty and etc. We can feel them by using tongue. Sense of touch gives you information about different temperature and textures. You can keep yourself safe by feeling them. This book tells me various things about five senses. I also learn about body structures and faculties. It is so interesting.

I read Little Snow-white.

I read Little Snow-white . A queen had a little daughter, who was as white as snow, and as red as blood, and her hair was as black as ebony. She was called Little Snow-white. Her mother died when the child was born. The King took to himself another wife. She was beautiful, but proud and haughty. She asked a wonderful looking-glass who in this land is the fairest. It answered she is the fairest. However, when Little Snow-white was seven years old, it answered she is the fairest. A stepmother was shocked and hated her. So she commanded huntsman to take her away into the forest and kill her. But he didn’t do and then he released her. She met seven dwarfs where she ran away. They were kind and lived together. A stepmother was astounded by knowing her lived and thought how to kill her. Then she worked on killing her three times. First and second plan failed. But third plan, which she gave her the apple which was so cunningly made that only the red cheek was poisoned, succeeded. Little Sno

I read Cinderella

I read Cinderella by Brothers Grimm. There was a girl who had no mother. Her father had married another wife having her two daughters. They were fair in face but foul at heart. So she was bullied by them. They called her Cinderella. She grew the hazel-tree which was taken by her father and planted by her near her mother’s grove. There were many birds near the tree, and they were her friends. One day, the invitation to a feast which choose a bride of prince and last three days came. Cinderella’s sisters were very delighted. Cinderella begged her mother, but she didn’t allow. She cried out under the hazel-tree “Shake, shake, hazel-tree, gold and silver over me!” Then her friends the birds brought a gold and silver dress for her. So she could go a feast. She danced with the prince who soon came to her there. Nobody noticed the lady was Cinderella because she was so beautiful. The prince managed to reveal her identity, but she slipped away him unawares for three days. However, she dropp

I read snow-white and rose-red.

I read snow-white and rose-red . I read it for the first time. There are two children, who called Snow-White and Rose-Red. Snow -White was more gentle than her sister. They help the bear when he came to their house. Finally, Snow-White married the Prince who was the bear enchanted by the wicked dwarfs, and Rose-Red his brother.  I thought I can get happiness someday by giving someone a favor. I want to be like them who are kind to everyone .